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Attention! This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the American States Water Company's web site or intranet.
Our Commitment
Our goal is to assure and enhance the integrity, people, processes, and assets needed by all stakeholders of the companies at American States Water.
We believe the viability and integrity of the company depend on the protection of our critical assets, including our people, physical assets, and our information. We also believe that our communication, internal controls, and processes must constantly adapt to the changing needs and objectives of the company as well as the changing marketplace. We appreciate your support and cooperation in keeping the subsidiaries at American States Water an ethical company.
American States Water Company and its subsidiaries are committed to delivering quality drinking water and providing our employees with a comfortable, productive and respectful work environment. In keeping with our values, the Ethical Reporting Hotline and Website is a method for employees to report unethical, fraudulent, or illegal conduct, without fear of retaliation for such good faith reporting. The Ethical Reporting Hotline and Website are complements to our Code of Conduct. Together, these elements provide guidance and support for employees.
The American States Water Company is deeply committed to maintaining a high level of ethical standards. The Anti-Fraud Committee, Management, and Board of Directors at American States Water Company value your feedback. All reports submitted will be given careful attention by the company. Any good faith reports of possible violations will be kept confidential to the extent practicable. There will be no punishment or retaliation if you, in good faith, report the improper conduct of others.
For more information, please refer to the Code of Conduct or Fraud, Waste and Ethics Hotline FAQs. These documents are also available on the HCM website.
To File a Report
Choose the "Make a Report" link at the top of the web page or call 888-373-8817 (toll-free in the US and Canada).
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.